Sister, Survivor: Finding Your Survivor Spirit

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Sister, Survivor: Finding Your Survivor Spirit

by Ayngel “Boshemia” Overson 

Sister, Survivor is a very personal conversation from one abuse survivor to another, I talk about my past and the lessons learned there, but it isn’t exactly my story either.
I daresay this is the only book that you will ever find on abuse that uses KISS frontman Gene Simmons, transvestite comedian Eddie Izzard, along with fictional characters like Luke Skywalker and Batman to illustrate what we can accomplish through our Survivor Spirits.
Oh, yes, and we can’t forget the ode to our first set of Wonder Woman Underoos.
I had to use a lot of humor to lighten the tone, but I also had to tell the truth.
I profile those who have seen the darkest depths of humanity. School shooting survivors, serial killers, and Holocaust survivors. We take a laymans look at psychologists like as Maslow and his hierarchy of needs, the Stanley Milgram Experiment, and (my personal favorite) Dr. Phil Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment,These studies mean more to abuse survivors than they could imagine.
Sister, Survivor is a book about life after abuse, which often means life with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as well.

PTSD is a very real part of the survivors life. It is a very real part of my life. It affected my ability to trust and form relationships, it affected my ability to care for my children, and sometimes it kept me from simply functioning like a normal human being.

Sister, Survivor: Finding Your Survivor Spirit

From Victim, to Survivor, to Thriver…

An inspirational tribute to the Survivor Spirit in all of us. Sister, Survivor: Finding Your Survivor Spirit After Abuse is a personal conversation from one abuse Survivor to another making the case that surviving abuse isn’t all bad. 

Post traumatic stress disorder also has a little talked about side effect, known as Post Traumatic Growth, and it is more common than you might think. The author calls it the Survivor Spirit, and for the record, her Survivor Spirit calls herself Boshemia. 

PTSD had already left her reclusive and home-bound when she began suffering from a mysterious illness. She was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but doctors gave her little hope of ever leading a normal life again. Refusing to give up she finally located professionals who understood the unique health problems that many Survivors face and began the path to healing in her life. 

Part memoir, part self-help, the author examines the dilemma of being an abuse Survivor in a world that expects cookie cutter normalcy. 

In this book, Ayngel and her alter ego Boshemia share the many lessons that they learned together on the journey from Victim to Survivor to Thriver…. 

Learn how to:

  • Stop the cycle of abuse in your life for good.
  • Redefine “normal” for yourself. 
  • Build stronger, and healthier personal relationships.
  • Find the YOU that you were truly meant to be.
  • Set personal boundaries that aren’t a prison.

Get your copy of 

Sister, Survivor: Finding Your Survivor Spirit 

on Amazon today!